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Author Topic: Forum Guidelines  (Read 20102 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 599

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« on: February 09, 2018, 07:57:19 PM »

Keep in mind that being a member of a forum is a privilege, not a right.  Posts that are not respectful in nature, towards Celtic Woman, EMI, PBS, or members of the forum will be deleted.
Our goal is to maintain an inclusive, family-friendly atmosphere, accessible to all.  Members who violate the following rules will be given warnings.  Repeat offenders risk temporary or permanent loss of membership privileges (see policing, below).

1.   Forum Guidelines
   1.   Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting.
   2.   Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated.
   3.   Members are asked to not act as “back seat moderators”. If members note an issue which contravenes something in this policy document they are welcome to bring it to the attention of a member of the Moderator Team. Please use the “post report” feature to report posts. Do not respond to such topics yourself.
   4.   Members should remember this forum is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated.
   5.   Moderators are not instructed to censor opinions or ideas, but will take action against posts and/or topics that cause unrest beyond civil and polite disagreements. Members may not post personal attacks towards the staff or performers of Celtic Woman, The High Kings, or other forum members.
   6.   Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc. Users linking to or asking for information on warez, crackz, etc. or re-printing material without permission will receive a warning and their post will be removed.
   7.   If you are linking to external content, you should link directly to that content.  Links containing redirects will be deleted.
   8.   Cross-posting (posting the same content in multiple channels) is not tolerated. All duplicate posts will be deleted.
   9.   Topics or posts requesting personal information about Celtic Woman or The High Kings performers and/or their families will be deleted.
   10.   If a thread is deleted by a moderator and the original posting member attempts to re-post a similar thread, it is possible that the user will lose membership privileges.
   11.   Abusive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated and may result in the ban of the involved accounts. If you have experienced abusive behavior from a community member, please inform a moderator.
   12.   If you feel a forum moderator is abusing forum rules or behaving unethically, please contact a forum administrator via a private message or e-mail.
   13.   CW does not permit photos during their concerts, and we support that ban. We will delete any photographs that violate that ban.
   14.   THK does permit non-flash photos during their concerts, and we will permit such photos to be posted. We will delete any photographs which use a flash or other artificial lighting.  It is annoying and distracting both for the performers and the audience.
   15.   Members should respect the bandwidth of other users and sites. The use of inline () image tags pointing to data stored on third party systems for which the user has not received permission to link to may be removed.
   16.   Members should post in a way which is consistent with "normal writing". That is users should not post excessive numbers of emoticons, large, small or colored text, etc. Similarly users should not SHOUT or use excessive punctuation (e.g. ! and ?) in topic titles or posts.
   17.   Members should use an appropriate, descriptive title when posting a new topic. Examples of bad titles include; "Help me!", "I'm stuck!", "I've got a problem!" etc. Examples of good titles include; "Chicago Concert Review", "New Lisa Graphics", etc.
   18.   Spam is not tolerated here under any circumstance. This includes offering hosting services (charged and free), installation services, solicitation etc. Recruiting members for your own projects (moderators, designers, professional MOD work, etc.) is not permitted and is also considered spam. Users posting spam will be warned and their post removed.
   19.   The moderating team reserves the right to edit or remove any post at any time. The determination of what is construed as indecent, vulgar, spam, etc. as noted in these points is up to Moderating Team Members and not users.
   20.   Celtic Woman and The High Kings, as we know and love them, would not exist but for the Public Broadcasting System.  If you have a complaint or issue with the PBS network or any of its member stations, take it up with them directly.  PBS-bashing is considered inappropriate on this forum, and will be deleted.
   21.   Members are urged to exercise good judgment when posting links to artists' social networking sites.  Facebook/Instagram/Twitter pages are typically used by performers to keep in touch with their fans.  However, many of them use some of the less well known sites (Bebo, Buzznet, Faceparty etc.) just to stay in touch with family and friends while they are touring.  If the artist already has a long list of fans among their "friends," it's probably safe to assume that they would appreciate the exposure of having their page posted on our forum.  However, if their list of friends and comments is obviously limited to close friends and loved ones, it may be an invasion of their privacy to post such a link.  It's best to err on the side of caution.  If you're in doubt, contact an admin or mod.
   22. It is a violation of forum policy to post personally identifiable data - e.g. a home address, telephone number, or email address - your own or someone else's.  Any post containing such information will immediately be edited or removed.  Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our members and guests.  Posting private information is a serious risk and can not be allowed.
   23.   The above forum rules where applicable also apply to private messaging. Abuse of the private messaging system may lead to warnings (as above) and/or the revocation of privileges.
   24.   The above forum rules where applicable also apply to the chat room. Abuse of the chat room may lead to warnings (as above) and/or the revocation of privileges.

2.   Signatures
   1.   Signatures may contain text and/or images, up to a maximum overall height of 400 pixels. Oversize signatures will be edited.  Edited February 16, 2010
   2.   Text sizes should be between 75% and 100% (small and normal). Text in signatures is subject to the same conditions as posts with respect to decency, warez, emoticons, and so forth.
   3.   Links in signatures are permitted to a maximum of four unique pages or sites. Linked sites may not be commercial in nature. You may not link to warez, porn or political, racist or other similar hate sites. Links are included in signature size limits.

3.   Avatars
   1.   Users are permitted to utilize a gallery avatar or to link to one of their own (subject to previous points on misuse of bandwidth). User defined avatars are to be no larger than 80 pixels square, contain no image which attempts to portray the user as having an official status here (e.g. mimicking ranks or copying avatars of team members), may not exceed 12KB (12288 Bytes) in file size and have a consistently high availability (i.e. links to images on slow servers or those prone to failure may be removed).
   2.   Avatars are subject to the same conditions as posts with respect decency, and so forth.

4.   Policing
   1.   The forum operates on a three strike policy. Users will be warned a maximum of three times for any and all offenses in a three month period. If the need arises for a fourth warning a temporary ban will be put in place of between 1 to 7 days.
   2.   Arguing with team members after having received a warning will lead to an immediate additional warning. Should this exceed three strikes a temporary ban will be put in place as above.
   3.   Users who feel they have been unfairly warned are welcome to contact an administrator. If they feel you were treated badly they will remove a warning.
   4.   Any attempt to circumvent a temporary ban will lead to that ban being made permanent. Circumvention includes re-registering under a non-banned user name, changing IP addresses to evade an IP ban, or registering a new email account to evade an email ban.
   5.   An exception to the three strike rule applies when users contact team members personally (via any method) and post insulting, threatening, indecent or vulgar material. Such users will be subject to an immediate permanent ban.
   6.   Permanent bans are a last resort and thought is given before implementing them. While we may consider lifting permanent bans from time to time this is a rare occurrence.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 07:34:57 PM by GlenS » Logged
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