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Author Topic: 2023 Marks The All Post David Group  (Read 16511 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2023, 10:46:14 PM »

My first show was Destiny in 2016 and the final song in my show was Teir Abhaile Riu, the version that they later recorded on Voices of Angels. Every show I've been to since then, for regular tours the finale has been The Parting Glass plus the current playoff. For Christmas tours it has been Auld Lang Syne except for Chicago this year where they did an encore of Feliz Navidad.
Yeah. They have had some stability over the years as to ends of shows.
Original show (Deidre replaces Meav July '05-February '06) -- as per a video of the October '05 LA concert (I assume all shows): You Raise Me Up ended the regular show. Girls came back on for Spanish Lady. Band and choir did You Raise Me Up reprise. Band did instrumental Ceili outro.
Original show (Meav is back: March-Oct '06) -- You Raise Me Up ended the regular show. Girls came back on for Spanish Lady. Band and choir did You Raise Me Up reprise.
A New Journey -- You Raise Me Up followed by Finale (Was this when they started using the one from the SFTH DVD where Mairead plays like crazy, the choir sings and the girls lineup to come back out & bow?) then the girls come back on for Spanish Lady before an instrumental playoff.
Isle of Hope/Songs from the Heart --  You Raise Me Up closes show. Finale/Mo Ghile Mear and Spanish lady are both encores.
Believe tour year 1 -- The Parting Glass closes show. Finale/Mo Ghile Mear
Believe tour year 2 (this includes the taping of Emerald) -- The Parting Glass closes show. Ceili playoff. Was this the last year of Finale/Mo Ghile Mear???
Emerald/X -- Was this the start of the piper solo (where the piper plays like a rock star) and then the girls run back on and introduce the band and choir to end the show??
Destiny Tour -- Teir Abhaile Riu ends show. Piper solo??
VoA tour (this was when I started going to shows again: I've been pretty consistent since. I had Front row seats for this one) -- Apparently at least at the beginning an instrumental version of When You Go was the ending?? I saw this one towards the end (it ended two weeks to the day after I went) and it was the piper solo with the girls coming back out bowing, introducing everyone and then they get introduced by the PA system.
Homecoming/Ancient Land/Halted Celebration tour -- Same as '17. 
Postcards from Ireland --- All the "classics" are towards the end ending with The Parting Glass, girls wave goodbye, Piper solo (what's the piper piece?) where the girls run back on stage, introduce band and choir and the PA system introduces them and that's that. This was the one with the opening (the instrumental before the girls come out) where the piper was so loud he drowned out Tara's playing.
It seems as though after X Destiny was the birth of a whole new Celtic Woman.
Do you feel that when they recorded VoA they made the old songs darker and more chilling than they were?
I have the Target VoA and that version of Nil Se'n La is darker than the other two -- The original one had the percussion intro that seemed really Latin flavored, the Emerald version had Mairead's violin solo (We know in concert it was the version where Lisa & Chloe seemed to be angry at the dancers).
Six shows.
Songs from the Heart -- 4/26/2011.
Voices of Angels -- June 11, 2017 (plus meet & Greet).
Ancient Land -- May 18, 2019.
PFI — April 16, 2022 -- After two pushbacks due to COVID.
Symphony: December 9, 2023 — At last.
20th anniversary tour -- April 16, 2024.
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« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2023, 10:05:25 AM »

Interesting I never looked over the VOA Nil Sen LA version as dark, is less in the fun factor aspect yes but sometimes I'd like to have another version that is stylized like the other Celtic Woman songs. The choreography during the once tour was phenomenal I can't believe they didn't record on DVD as a bonus at least. That and TAR are my favorites even though I get people love love the original I would even say postcards from Ireland's slow vibe is dark contrast to the chilling reinnovation that VOA proved same songs can be given new birth for a fresh new time today.  Ofc the first time I listened to the CD, I did not like the new versions but that's normal by the sudden difference at first!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2023, 10:11:47 AM by rfcw » Logged
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« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2023, 01:34:50 PM »

There were two times I was at a show on Mairead N's birthday.  On the tours (and I didn't go back to figure out which ones), she did the intro to YRMU.  Right before she started, a group in the front started singing Happy Birthday!  It totally caught her off guard! 
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