Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. February 14, 2025, 09:04:43 AM
One of the shows I'm waiting on has tickets on sale November 1st at 10 AM EDT. That may be close to the date a lot of the venues start releasing tickets.We'll probably get an announcement next week and ticket sales near the end of October or start of November.
Sarasota, FL -- March 5 -- tickets on sale since Sept. 10th -- Van Wezel PAHLancaster, PA -- March 24 & 25 -- American Music TheatreShipshewana, IN -- April 14 & 15 -- Blue Gate PAC
When did Shipshewana go on sale?
A couple weeks ago, I reached out to my local PBS station. There are 4 or 5 major venues in my area that CW has been at in the past. My PBS station used to do really nice Meet & Greets. No response from PBS.