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Messages - ShiningBright

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Postcards from Ireland / Re: PBS Special Information
« on: November 28, 2021, 08:20:32 AM »
I just found it doesn't. How unusual. Anyway, how about a spoiler thread?

Postcards from Ireland / Re: PBS Special Information
« on: November 27, 2021, 05:10:44 PM »
I don't mind spoilers either ;D But there's a hide option for the forum, anyway. Love that pic of Tara!

Celtic Woman / Re: My idea for another Christmas album
« on: November 27, 2021, 02:22:46 PM »
You know what? I replaced The Sheep Beneath the Snow with Tàladh Chriosda, because that is a much better fit.

Here's a Spotify playlist with all the songs on it:


I've got Tara's solos twice, once a violin version and also a sung version to get a proper idea of it. I also used Darke's and Holst's versions of In The Bleak Midwinter since I'm not quite sure which I'd prefer for the album.

I am also glad to have learned that Thine Be The Glory is also considered a Christmas/Advent song in Ireland!

Celtic Woman / Re: My idea for another Christmas album
« on: November 27, 2021, 09:29:21 AM »
Tàladh Chriosda is a great idea, also for this album. The others, too, but not for this particular album idea I had. Thank you for your response!

Celtic Woman / My idea for another Christmas album
« on: November 27, 2021, 07:20:54 AM »
We cannot ever have enough Christmas albums, so there!

I don't have a specific title in mind, but I know what sort of style I'd want: lots of harmonies, almost choral-style, with choir and orchestra, rather classical with distinct traditional and folk-ish elements, and suitable for church.

Every singer gets on solo, plus two duets with all possible combinations, Tara has two solos and sometimes accompanies the singers. All other songs are group numbers with singers and Tara, except for the ones that are just named with singers.

 1.  For Unto Us A Child Is Born (Group)
 2.  I Wonder As I Wander (Megan with Tara on harp)
 3.  The Holly and the Ivy (Singers, acapella)
 4.  Kommet, ihr Hirten (Tara)
 5.  What Sweeter Music (Chloe and Megan)
 6 . In Dulci Jubilo (Group)
 7.  Myn Lyking (Muirgen and Megan with Tara on harp)
 8.  Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (Muirgen)
 9.  Hodie Christus Natus Est (Group)
10. I Saw Three Ships (Chloe and Muirgen with Tara)
11. Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen (Tara)
12. Wassail! Wassail! (Group)
13. Candlelight Carol (Chloe with Tara)
14. Curoo, Curoo (Singers)
15. Laudate dominum (Group, acapella, Tara on harp)
16. Thine Be the Glory (Group)

In all honesty, I did something that could be considered an accident, but what was actually on purpose: the last song I chose would actually be performed for Easter. But I am fine with this for two reasons, and that is 1) CW have also performed the gorgeous Panis Angelicus on a Christmas album even though it is for Corpus Christi, and b) the melody of Thine Be the Glory is that of the German Advent carol Tochter Zion, feue Dich ("Daughter Zion, rejoice") which is what I actually meant to include. However, there are already two German titles on here (that could also be translated) as instrumentals, and I think it'd be a difficult song in German, so the English version it is. That aside, Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion from Handel's Messiah Part I is also similarly named. I actually considered including that or His yoke is easy to make it a sort of circle with the opening, which is, of course, also from the Messiah, but it didn't really suit the group, I think. Anyway, Thyne Be The Glory is also Handel, so it's still a sort of circle...

For a DVD version, I'd want to have the first and last songs in their places, anything else could change up a bit. I would also add the following songs in no specific order, which should also appear on a Deluxe edition of the album, all of them group numbers:

1. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
2. Once, as I remember
3. In The Bleak Midwinter (Darke... or maybe Holst again, re-arrangement)
4. Veni, Veni Emmanuel (re-arrangement)
5. Shepherd's Pipe Carol
6. The Wexford Carol (re-arrangement)
7. Tàladh Chriosda (with Tara on harp)
8. How Great Our Joy

That would make twenty four songs in total, fit for an Advent calendar.

Postcards from Ireland / Re: PBS Special Information
« on: November 25, 2021, 06:33:02 AM »
Wow! It looks gorgeous!

Postcards from Ireland / Re: What we know so far...!
« on: November 17, 2021, 12:52:23 PM »
The order of songs named doesn't seem right. That aside, Where Sheep May Safely Graze might be beautiful in monastic ruins, and they are always in the green. There might even be sheep. I still don't understand why it's a violin solo, when this title in particular refers to a sung aria, and the instrumental has a different title, but Tara's version is so lovely, that it makes up for that.

Postcards from Ireland / Re: How we are so far....
« on: November 14, 2021, 04:56:30 AM »
I don't like the arrangement of Black is the Colour either, but I do like the beach and their jumpers. But, yeah, it's also my least favourite on the album.

Postcards from Ireland / Re: What we know so far...!
« on: November 12, 2021, 12:04:54 PM »
There's a new promo video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5QxXS7_ES4

Postcards from Ireland / Re: What we know so far...!
« on: November 10, 2021, 05:54:51 AM »
Maybe Susan actually did record May it Be on location. Or they use the group version on the DVD – it wouldn't be the first time for a CW DVD to feature a different version of a song than the album.

Postcards from Ireland / Re: What we know so far...!
« on: November 02, 2021, 01:49:32 PM »
So they have new arrangements? Anyway, the original concert had very few harmonies, and the same goes to some of their more popular songs. Yes, I love the harmonies, too, but we can't know whether the songs will be good or not before we hear them.

Postcards from Ireland / Re: What we know so far...!
« on: November 01, 2021, 08:29:08 PM »
I also find the scenery and actual shots very beautiful! The promo video itself is bad, but that doesn't mean anything about the show's quality.

Also I LOVE the Aran jumper + dress combo!

Postcards from Ireland / Re: What we know so far...!
« on: November 01, 2021, 07:53:41 PM »
Terrible video, but that's because it's from the German Universal site. I assume a PBS trailer will look different. That aside, the shots do look lovely. (And, as I said, the graphic design quality of CW has been terrible for years, especially their usual publicity photos look terrible with the smudgy "almost black" backgrounds. But the editing on the sound and video for this album is particularly bad.)

Postcards from Ireland / Re: My thoughts on the album
« on: November 01, 2021, 01:29:20 PM »
I think what I miss, rather than a fast number, is a happy one. Only Where Sheep May Safely Graze has a happy feeling, and only The Galway Shawl and May it Be have lyrics that aren't exactly unhappy. Bonny Portmore is sad, but profoundly so, and the same goes for Down By The Salley Gardens and Mise Éire to a degree. But the others? Are so... bleak. But I actually have the same issues with all of Gavin Murphy's albums – even though many songs are upbeat and cheery there, I can rarely find any of them to feel truly joyful. David Downes' albums often had very sad and serious and solemn songs, but there was a happier vibe to them. Still – all three musical directors did and do fantastic work, from a musical perspective. And so do all performers.

Postcards from Ireland / Re: My thoughts on the album
« on: November 01, 2021, 08:09:28 AM »
Yes, that's why I only mentioned the DVD. The song balance on the dvds and cds (and various editions) can differ very much. I think the Believe DVD had the best balance – two solos each, and then duets with every combination.

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